Monday, April 29, 2013

March 6, 2013
                             height of sun
8:00 am 15ft 6 1/2in facing 287 degrees      = .21       28 degrees
10:45 am 4 ft facing 325 degrees                 = .82       
5:00 pm 10 ft 7in facing 89 degrees              = .31       17 degrees

3ft 3 1/2in object

tan = o/a = length of stick/length of shadow

example of what to do

In Darwin’s Dilemma there are mysterious sudden appearance of dozens of major complex animal types in the fossil record without any trace of the gradual transitional steps Charles Darwin had predicted in his theory. Instead different species belonging to several of the main divisions of the animal kingdom suddenly appear in the lowest known fossiliferous rocks without any evidence of prior ancestral forms. It also makes other arguments for the supposed impossibility of getting new genetic information by Darwinian natural selection process.

Nearing completion, China's massive Three Gorges Dam is altering the landscape and the lives of people living along the Yangtze River. In the movie they said that a lot of ancient villages and historic sites would become submerged under water, and at least 2 million people or more would lose their homes. China has set out to harness the Yangtze with the world’s largest mega-dam. In the movie a family sends their 16 year-old daughter to work in the cruise ship industry that has sprung up to give tourists a last glimpse of the legendary river valley but she doesn’t want to go. however, this is the only way she can help her family because both of her parents are out of work. She has to leave her family behind and give up her dreams of continuing further in her education to work. As she works on the cruise ship the water slowly rises everyday and eventually her family has to gather all of their possessions because the water is rising and their home will be submerged underneath. At the end of the movie most of everything that used to be there is gone because it’s submerged underwater.

A long time ago scientist began to have theories about how the scablands were formed. The scablands are a huge region of the united states. It is just east of Seattle, Washington. The scablands have hundreds of gorges like a canyon that are hundreds of feet deep, there are huge boulders that are scattered across it, hills with ripples, and a water fall bigger than the Niagara but there is no water. In the mystery of the mega flood there was a scientist, geologist J. Harlen Bretz, who had a radical theory about how the scablands were created. He believed that they were formed by a catastrophic water flow and at the time most scientist believed that it was formed by a gradual erosion overtime. The main reason why most scientist didn’t believe his theory was because there was no source of water for what Bretz was talking about at the time. It had not yet been identified. His fellow scientists and colleagues thought that he was crazy in his theory. However, they all changed their minds later when evidence turned up to back up the scientist's theory. There were traces of an ancient ice dam alongside a Montana valley, which held in millions of gallons of water, until the dam itself melted  and it sent sending raging waters across the Pacific Northwest bull dozing everything in its path.