Monday, April 29, 2013

Nearing completion, China's massive Three Gorges Dam is altering the landscape and the lives of people living along the Yangtze River. In the movie they said that a lot of ancient villages and historic sites would become submerged under water, and at least 2 million people or more would lose their homes. China has set out to harness the Yangtze with the world’s largest mega-dam. In the movie a family sends their 16 year-old daughter to work in the cruise ship industry that has sprung up to give tourists a last glimpse of the legendary river valley but she doesn’t want to go. however, this is the only way she can help her family because both of her parents are out of work. She has to leave her family behind and give up her dreams of continuing further in her education to work. As she works on the cruise ship the water slowly rises everyday and eventually her family has to gather all of their possessions because the water is rising and their home will be submerged underneath. At the end of the movie most of everything that used to be there is gone because it’s submerged underwater.

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