Monday, February 4, 2013

Cruz Plaza



infrastructure contributes to the economic output of a region, it is an important measure of productivity. However, developing efficient and cost-effective transport infrastructure is challenging. When deciding what to build, infrastructure planners and policy makers often need to balance complex political, economic, social, and environmental tradeoffs. In safety issues structural stability takes a look at the risks and prevents unintentional structural collapse  and the measures you need to take to prevent accidents in excavations. Next is electrical safety in construction where workers take precautions against the risk of death or injury from electricity. In fire safety they work to avoid fire hazards involving but not limited to storing combustible/flammable materials safely away from sources of ignition in buildings. T Erosion is a natural process that can be greatly accelerated by human activities, especially those that change or remove vegetation or that disturb the soil. Temporary sediment control practices include those practices that intercept and slow or detain the flow of storm water to allow sediment to settle and be trapped. These practices can consist of installing temporary linear sediment barriers (such as silt fences , fiber rolls, sandbag barriers, and straw bale barriers). There are some others but these are the most important ones.

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