Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Perfect Storm

A storm that absorbed hurricane grace. The Perfect Storm originated from a cold front that exited the east coast of the United States. The cyclone got bigger as a result of the difference of temperature between the cold air to the northwest and the warmth and humidity from Hurricane Grace. The perfect storm was the combination of Hurricane Grace and a non-tropical system that created such a massive storm. The two storms had come together just right so they were able to feed off of one another the way that they did. Grace had weakened just enough so that it could be pulled in by the non-tropical system, but still contained enough deep moisture for it to feed into the cold. When tropical moisture is added to cold air in such a way it creates enormous amounts of energy, which leads to increased rain and wind. Which in the movie created called the perfect storm the waves in the ocean that the boat was traveling in were massive causing the boat to be taken under water and turned over and the winds made it hard for the coast guard to go and rescue people; even in rescue boats also because the current from the wind and the storm were too strong.

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